Palm Trunk Fibres

Certain palm trees have thick fibrous bark that can easily be peeled off and used directly or with minimal processing as a fabric.

Certain palm trees have thick fibrous bark that can easily be peeled off and used directly or with minimal processing as a fabric.


Traditionally used for raincoats or other hardy outdoor clothing and accessories. The palm bark raincoat was definitely used in China. In South America, there are examples of bark used to make tops and dresses. [2] Whilst in Hawai, the palm sheath basket or bags are a traditional craft. [3] The bark from the Piassava palm family has also been used for roofing in tropical areas in South America and Africa.

Contemporary uses including building facades [1], accessories and arts and crafts with a modern style. [3]


No details – incomplete


[1] “Fernando Humberto Campana Brothers Palm Fibre House” Retrieved 28 June, 2017.

[2] “Guahibo indians”. Retrieved 28 June, 2017.

[3] Pinterest. Retrieved 28 June, 2017.